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Fall Bible Studay Class Fall Bible Studay Class

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Fall Bible Studay Class

Posted on Tue, Aug 28, 2012

Sept 12 - Nov. 15

Fall Bible Study Class.

This year we will study the Gospel of Mark. We will meet, as in the past, on Wednesday evenings and Thursday mornings, in the conference room at Newfane. Classes will begin on Wed. Sept. 12, 7-8:30 PM and Thurs. Sept. 13, 9:15-10:45 AM and will continue weekly through Nov. 14 and 15. You can switch back and forth between classes as needed, since both classes cover the same material each week. Although the Sept. 5 video presentation is a separate event, please try to attend it if you can, as it will enrich our understanding. Books for the class will be available then and at the first classes. Please register online or by calling or emailing Kalista Lehrer, 778-8360, by calling the office, or online at <>.