Church in My Home:
Parish Formation Group for Married Couples
Every group contains no more than 5 married couples. Once a year, a couple is chosen to lead each group. The Priest or Deacon is invited for every monthly meeting. Each group will choose a Patron Saint and will be called by his/her name.
*Strive to reach holiness in the married life through the grace of
the Sacrament of Marriage in the Catholic Church.
*Find encouragement and support in parenting so as to educate and raise the
children in the Catholic Faith.
*Support each other through prayer and sharing experiences of marriage
with other married couples.
*Deeper engagement in the life of the Parish; supporting our Priest through
prayer and works.
Group Activities:
*Monthly gathering of 5 couples:
Location and time determined by convenience of the couples involved.
*Daily Family Prayer in the evening, about 5-7 minutes.
*Monthly marriage dialogue between husband and wife for one hour.
*Daily meal with the family: Evening meal is the best
*Weekly meal on Sunday arranged in a special way, served in the special way and
made unique so as to enrich the family time together.
Agenda for Monthly Meeting
Agape is Greek for love and fellowship
*30 minutes of hospitality, lite dessert and coffee, friendly sharing, and companionship.
*Begin in prayer with the leading couple.
* 30 minutes of bible study.
The priest will choose a Biblical passage on which to
meditate and to be applied to daily life.
*30 minutes of sharing; every couple shares how they fulfilled monthly activities,
marriage dialogue, family prayers, and family meals.
Also, share their experiences of goodness and of problems in their married life.
Sharing doesn’t mean exposing the sinful moments of the
private marriage life.
*15 minutes for Priest or Deacon to present Catholic Teaching about marriage and family.
In the absence of the Priest or Deacon; a reading of the
Catholic teaching concerning these issues.
* Last 15 minutes: questions, concerns, set up next meeting,
final prayer with 1 decade of the Rosary led by leading couple.