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Photo Gallery: MAJolley Photo Gallery: MAJolley

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Annual BAC Pack Youth Group Apple Pie Fundraiser
Apple peeling, coring, and slicing stations. 
Viewed 2498 times
Annual BAC Pack Youth Group Apple Pie Fundraiser
Apple peeling, coring, and slicing stations. 
Viewed 2449 times
Annual BAC Pack Youth Group Apple Pie Fundraiser
Apple peeling, coring, and slicing stations. 
Viewed 2435 times
Confirmand Field Trip
On Sunday, October 19/14, St. John the Baptist FFD organized a field trip for confirmand and sponsors to Our Lady of Victory Basilica.  What a wonderful way to initiate this year's sacramental journey together, and encourage a strong, spiritual relationship. 
Viewed 2591 times
OLV Basilica
Front exterior shot.
Viewed 2603 times
OLV Basilica
Venerable Fr. Baker's tomb.
Viewed 2544 times
OLV Basilica
Arrived in time for mass, and one of our students and their sponsor were chosen to bear gifts.  Note the extensive scaffolding that reached up ~ 11-storeys high.  A 90-day renovation project in process scheduled to end mid December. 
Viewed 2639 times
OLV Basilica
Altar area.
Viewed 2655 times
OLV Basilica
As a Grade 10 Confirmation Class teacher, I assisted the FFD Program Coordinator with the field trip.  Here I am at the entrance to the Venerable Fr. Baker museum located in the basement next to the gift shop.
Viewed 2638 times
October BAC Pack "Build a Rosary" Event
The youth group meets in the Bosco Activity Center (BAC) located across the street from the church.  As the month of October is dedicated each year to the Holy Rosary, it was decided to build one out of helium balloons and raise it for all to see in our faith community. 
Viewed 2624 times
October "Build a Rosary" Youth Event
The repetition in the Rosary is meant to lead one into restful and contemplative prayer related to each Mystery. As it was Saturday (October 18/14), we prayed/reflected on the Five Joyful Mysteries: > The Annunciation > The Visitation > The Nativity > The Presentation in the Temple > The Finding in the Temple.  We then placed it out front at the entrance to the church.  
Viewed 2621 times
October "Build a Rosary" Youth Event
 A fun spiritual family experience.  From L: Ann (middle school Youth Adult Leader), Tracy (parent), myself (HS "BAC Pack" Youth Adult Leader), and Lucy (parent). 
Viewed 2688 times
St. John the Baptist Confirmation - May 15, 2014
Bishop Edward Grosz
Viewed 2726 times
St. John the Baptist Confirmation - May 15, 2014
Knights of Columbus
Viewed 2874 times
St. John the Baptist Confirmation - May 15, 2014
Serving with a smile!
Viewed 2696 times
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