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Photo Gallery: MAJolley Photo Gallery: MAJolley

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Camp Kenan - Barker
Here is the director of Camp Kenan (green jacket) with volunteer.
Viewed 2812 times
On Belay! Tower climb & Zipline.
Oh yeah...that's me! Three themes using the ropes course as an analogy to getting through life...Having a solid FOCUS; knowing who to TRUST; Keeping your heart's eye on the FINAL GOAL...HEAVEN!
Viewed 2692 times
Air Chapel
I was the official photographer for the retreat, and while travelling between the team building stations set up along the paths in the woods, I discovered the Air Chapel. With the rain sprinkling ever so gently, rustling of the leaves under my feet, and crashing of the waves on the lake beach was a special moment for me personally.
Viewed 2644 times
Fr. Ryszard held a learning mass here Saturday Night!
Do you know why the priest adds water to the wine during the preparation and consecration of the gifts? The answer is in the prayer the priest says while pouring the water, "By the mystery of this water and wine, may we come to share in the divinity of Christ who humbled Himself to share in our humanity."
Viewed 2788 times
Closing Retreat Mass
As a sign of our unity, everyone wore the T-shirts they made the day before in the Craft Cabin.
Viewed 2774 times
Music Ministry was a Blast!
I brought my "Suitcase of Sound" and bongos, and learned some new songs from the Saltarelli Family.
Viewed 2622 times
Blessing of the Volunteers/Chaperones
Viewed 2709 times
October 2nd - 25th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Rickey Jolley
Viewed 2700 times
October 2nd - 25th Anniversary
Our Engagement Announcement picture for the newspapers.
Viewed 2705 times
October 2nd - 25 th Anniversary
With my Mom and Dad at our family home before the ceremony.
Viewed 2636 times
October 2nd - 25th Anniversary
With my stepdaughters; Danielle, Nicole, and Pauline. They preceeded me down the aisle during the wedding ceremony.
Viewed 2743 times
October 2nd - 25th Anniversary
Get me to the church on time!
Viewed 2582 times
October 2nd - 25th Anniversary
Rick in the sacristy at St. Julia's RC Church getting ready.
Viewed 2739 times
October 2nd - 25th Anniversary
My brothers, Carl and Eric escorting our mother into the church. My other brother, John, took all the pictures.
Viewed 2747 times
October 2nd - 25th Anniversary
My sister and Matron of Honour, Catherine. Came all the way from New Zealand for the wedding.
Viewed 2663 times
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