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Photo Gallery: MAJolley Photo Gallery: MAJolley

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2013 Diocesan Youth Convention
The Cooper Ray Band provided music ministry for both Saturday and Sunday masses..
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2013 Diocesan Youth Convention
With guest speaker Cooper Ray
Viewed 2671 times
2013 Diocesan Youth Convention
Aubrey was chosen to be one of the small group discussion leaders for the convention.
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2013 Diocesan Youth Convention
Bishop Malone with Director of Youth Ministry and Young Adults, Kathryn Goller, during Sunday breakfast.
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2013 Diocesan Youth Convention
Introduction of the Manus Christi Award recipients.
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2013 Diocesan Youth Convention
Manus Christi award winner from our Youth Group at St. John the Baptist, David Pollock, with his mother to the left, and his sponsor/nominator, Barb Mang.
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2013 Diocesan Youth Convention
Manus Christi award winner, David Pollock, with Fr. Ryszard (Richard) from St. Amelia's.
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2013 Diocesan Youth Convention
Bishop Richard Malone during homily (Liturgy of the Word) at Sunday mass.
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2013 Diocesan Youth Convention
Bishop Malone with various priests from our diocese (Liturgy of the Eucharist).
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Ash Wednesday with Youth Group
Preparing goodies to pass out during the Expo and small group session scheduled for Friday of the Diocesan Youth Convention 2013
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Ash Wednesday with Youth Group
7:00 pm Mass at St. John the Baptist...this picture was later forwarded to USCCB and was shown on their FB site.
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Eucharist Teen Retreat
Several parishes from the Buffalo Diocese organised this youth event at Camp Kenan to kick start the "Year of Faith" with a focus on Adoration (October 19-21, 2012)
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Fr. Ryszard (Richard) from St. Amelia's
Celebrant of Retreat masses and guest speaker. Also got a sample jar of his homemade "Holy Honey". Yes, he is a beekeeper too!
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Friday Night Adoration
Fr. Ryszard brought in the Monstrance explaining its purpose as a vessel for the consecrated gifts (Body and Blood of Christ), which was then displayed for Eucharistic Adoration.
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Educating our future Evangelists
What is "Adoration" and how does one pray during this time? Adoring and honouring the Eucharistic presence of Christ in silent worship, as this Blessed Sacrament serves as a focal point of devotion.
Viewed 2732 times
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