4:45-5:15pm- Confession in Wilson
5:30pm-Wilson - Our Lady of the Rosary (May to October)
5:30pm-Newfane - St. Bridget (November - April)
7:30-7:50am Confession in Newfane (May - October)
8:00am- Newfane - St. Bridget
10:30-10:50am Confession in Wilson (November-April)
11:00am-Olcott - St. Charles (May - October)
11:00am-Wilson - Our Lady of the Rosary (November - April)
Wednesday and Friday:
8:30am-Wilson - Our Lady of the Rosary
Tuesday and Thursday:
8:30am-Newfane - St. Bridget
Saturday, March 22nd- Third Sunday of Lent, Vigil
***4:00pm Newfane- Greg Kerth req. Chris & Ela Orlowski
Sunday, March 23rd - Third Sunday of Lent
8:00am Newfane - Charles & Alice Bass and Family req. Mike & Jo Hogan
11:00am Wilson - St. Brendan's All Souls Remembrance
Monday, March 24th-
7:30am Lockport - Mass at All Saints in Lockport
4:00 - 7:00pm Newfane - Eucharistic Adoration
Tuesday March 25th- Annunciation of the Lord
8:30am Newfane - St. Brendan's Father's Day Intentions req. Parishioners
Wednesday, March 26th -
8:30am Wilson - St. Brendan Mother's Day Intention
Thursday, March 27th-
8:30am Newfane - Dolores Szratter req. Sue Fuller
Friday, March 28th-
8:30am Wilson - The People of the Central Niagara Catholic Family req. Priest in Solidum
Saturday, March 29th- Fourth Sunday of Lent, Vigil
5:30pm Newfane- John Connolly req. Nancy
Sunday, March 30th - Fourth Sunday of Lent
8:00am Newfane - Richard Beyea req. Calvin & Pat Sands
11:00am Wilson - St. Brendan's All Souls Remembrance
Daily Masses at 8:30am.
Mass Intentions - Remember our faithfully departed parishioners need prayers, please call the office to offer a mass for them.
Important information! Please keep St. Brendan in your prayers. Thank you for your financial support. I ask every parishioner and those who left the church in the past to come back and to pray and support our churches. We can become even stronger keeping all 3 churches for the future only if all people will be engaged especially younger people.
Daily Masses - 8:30 AM - 10 minutes before Mass we will be praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.
Eucharistic Adoration - Every Monday from 4-7pm @ Newfane Church (enter Main Door)
St. Brendan is asking that you continue to donate to our church, you may do this by mailing your donations to St. Brendan on the Lake, P.O. Box 87, Newfane, NY 14108. OR you can give ONLINE. Please see below for more information. Thank you for your generous support. It is greatly appreciated.
St. Brendan is now Live Streaming the Sunday Mass at 8:00am. You may visit the Facebook page to watch the Live stream Live at 8:00am.
Other opportunities to watch: St. Brendan on the Lake Facebook page by clicking here. Or visit our YouTube channel by clicking here.
St. Brendan is asking that you continue to donate to our church, you may do this by mailing your donations to St. Brendan on the Lake, P.O. Box 87, Newfane, NY 14108. OR you can give ONLINE. Thank you for your generous support. It is greatly appreciated. The icon to donate online is located on the sidebar.
Click on image to visit Family Website: You can view our bulletins and our live feeds here weekly.
Click on image below to sign up for Flocknotes: Our Family of Parishes has a way of communicating which is quick, reaches more in a timely manner and keeps everyone informed.
To contact CNCF about the proposal please use the following email: renewalresponses@cncfwny.org
For more information on Buffalo Cursillo click here for letter OR click on icon to go directly to the Website.